Thursday, December 26, 2019

10 Tips for Losing Weight!

Below are some tips that came from "Medical News Today" on tips for losing weight.  I've added in my two cents!

1. Eat varied, colorful, nutritionally dense foods

Hell yes, do this!  But, does anyone else get into a major food rut?  I find myself making the same chicken and veggies on a regular basis.  I recently discovered the page that has searchable recipes that are usually minimal in ingredients and tasty!
I am not endorsed by the Diabetes Food Hub.

2. Keep a food and weight diary

Seriously, my least favorite part of trying to lose weight (yeah, I prefer exercise over this) but during my course at OSU, I was taught about a program called Bitesnap ( is an app that all you do is take a pic of your food, and the app recognizes it, and adds in nutritional info to your daily log.  Also, super easy to export your info if you like to track your logs elsewhere.  
I am NOT endorsed by Bitesnap, it's just the app I use!

3. Engage in regular physical activity and exercise
Mayo Clinic says to aim for 150 minutes a week of physical activity.  My tip, add in small exercise to everything you do.  Park further away.  Use the bathroom at the other side of your building.  Don't leave items on your stairs to take upstairs later, just do it now.  Extra steps all the time = extra calories burned

4. Eliminate liquid calories

SO easily said, much harder to do!  I LOVE fruit punch and find myself intolerant to no-calorie drink additives you put in your water.  My suggestion is don't deprive yourself completely, cause you are going to regret it later and think about that deprived item.  For me, I water my juice down - 50 % juice, 50% water.  No deprivation and still a good swap.  The only thing I can add in is to avoid diet soda.  It is SO bad for you and straight chemicals.  Try and find an alternative!

5. Measure servings and control portions

Man oh man is it hard to control serving size in a world where servings are huge!  I find that ordering kids meals when I am out, or requesting the lunch size portion, allows me to both save calories AND money.  Most restaurants don't mind, as long as you aren't rude while ordering.  Or, ask for a to-go container when you order and plop half that meal in a box before you even dig in.

6. Eat mindfully

This is a tip I can get behind.  I find myself snacking when watching TV and sitting around, just out of boredom.  So many of us eat in front of the TV.  I find that having a concentrated meal at my dining room table changes my intake dramatically.  Also, I tend to be more in tune with my hunger level when not distracted by the TV.  Bonus, I get to talk with my boyfriend, so we actually get a few minutes to connect each day.

7. Stimulus and cue control

This one is similar to food in front of the TV, but also, how many of us walk past a candy bowl at work and mindlessly grab a piece cause we are nearby?  Or, have a soft drink in excess of 16 oz that we dont REALLY care about, just cause it was included in our meal deal?  Make conscious decisions - order and eat only what you truly want and need.

8. Plan ahead

It's a pain for real.  I absolutely HATE coming up with a meal plan.  This is my goal for 2020, to be better about planning and aim for 2-3 planned meals a week that are hearty and healthy, with at least one meal being a new recipe...which means grocery planning too.  Got tips for this?  I'm open!

9. Seek social support

This one is SO important.  Grab a friend and get active with them.  My neighbor, Danielle, has recently killed it on the Keto diet and looks fabulous.  She has started walking neighborhood dogs mid day to make a little cash, but also put in those steps.  She occasionally comes and "walks me" so that I get my butt out of my office and put in some steps.  

10. Stay positive

This is the tough one.  Keep in mind that pounds were not packed on overnight (even tho it feels like it sometimes!)  Experts say 1-2 pounds a week is sustainable and healthy weight loss.  What a disappointing number though for all the work we put in.  Keep at it!  Some days are harder than others and are a journey vs a fad diet of 30 days, etc.

My number one tip...adjust goals and recognize your victories.  Goals don't need to be drastic and extreme, they just need to be measurable and attainable.  Start simple, like committing to parking one row further away from your building at work, and build up to parking in the back of the lot.  Were you previously winded after a flight of stairs, but now you glide up with ease?  SUCCESS!  Previously when you needed a quick breakfast, did you end up with McDonalds McGriddle, large orange juice and a hashbrown, and now you get a large water with just an Egg White Delight McMuffin?  Thats a positive change. Don't be hard on yourself.  We often think the worst...picture the things you say to yourself and ask yourself....would I be friends with someone who speaks to me this way?  Probably not!  Be those around you and yourself 💜

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