Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Years Resolutions

Ahh, it's a New Year and people are rushing to make their resolutions...promises we intend to keep but (most of us) fail miserably within about a week.  Oh well, there is always 2021 to try again!

Have you ever made a resolution that you actually kept?  I've done it once.  About 7 years ago I made the vow to swear off french fries and all deep fried potato product.  My intention wasn't to starve myself of french fries - the intention was to make me make more thoughtful food choices when I was in a hurry.  No french fries = no value meals at most fast food places.  It gave me pause...I was more likely to get myself a Jr cheeseburger and a cup of water and be equally satisfied, if I was taking that deep fried side dish out of the equation.  I actually kept this up for 21 months!  I was very proud of myself - however, my downfall was a fateful day at Arby's having lunch with my mom....their curly fries just called my name.  One simple craving ended my 21 months of strength!

My resolution for the past few years has been consistent - Think more about being thoughtful.  It's one of my favorite statements (along with "Today is a good day for a good day") and really puts kindness into a simple thought.  We all need to be thinking on a daily basis, what can I do that is thoughtful and kind to those around me?  I'm not talking grand gestures or even things that cost any need to buy the coffee for the person in line behind you (unless that's your passion, then go for it).  My favorite "simple" act is when I am in a parking lot and I see a single mom, loading her kids into the car, I typically offer to take her cart back to the corral.  Mom's are busy AF, and most don't like walking 25 yards away from their kids to return the cart.  Simple, thoughtful, appreciated. I go beyond this concept, but that's just an example of how easy it can be.  

So, I challenge you to include this into your daily life.  Share with me, what have you done today to be thoughtful to someone around you?

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